
Be wild

Darkest Hour至暗时刻

1. inactivity and incompetence 碌碌无为

2. Ensuring his fingerprints are not on the murder weapon.



3. You're on the brink of having tremendous power, surpassed only by that of the king. 


4. your lack of vanity 你的虚怀若谷

5. One should have had power when a young man, when wits were sharp, sinews strong. When youth departs, may wisdom prove enough. 


6. His record is a litany of catastrophe.他的政绩简直是不堪入目。

7. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.就算瞎猫也能碰上死耗子。

8. that sheep in sheep's clothing 那个笑里藏刀的老小子

(wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼,改成笑里藏刀太漂亮了)

9. To not buggering it up. 敬形势有所缓和。(bugger up <俚>搞糟,弄坏,搞乱)

10. I have nothing to offer, but blood, toil, tears and sweat.


11. Victory at all cost. Victory, in spite of all terror. Victory, however long and hard the road maybe. For within victory, there can be no survival.


12. How nations suffer for the sins of their fathers. 给后代留下祸患,莫过于此啊。

13. Upon being told of the Lord Privy Seal's arrival at Chequers : Tell the privy seal, I am sealed to the privy, and can only deal with one shit at a time. 



14. There’s time enough for the truth.有的是时间说出真相。

15. Would you stop interrupting me when I am interrupting you? 我打断你说话的时候,你能不能别插嘴?

16. Whomever can strike fear into that brute heart is worthy of all our trust.


17. Those never change their mind never change anything.那些无法改变想法的人,什么也改变不了。

18. Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts. 




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